I love to see the Temple in Kennewich WA.
At the temple with the district.
Friday, February 3, 2012
End of Jan 1-30-2012
Hey guys,
I had a really good week. Zone Conference, my first district meeting, baptism news, I read a really good book, temple, and I busted my ankle.
So first of all, Michelle D and her daughter A will be baptized on the 18th of February. I will perform the baptism of Michelle and E. B will baptize A. This is such a great example of how when we do what we're commanded, God will lead us to those that have been prepared.
Zone Conference was awesome as well. I got to lead the music there, which was pretty nerve racking, Sister Greer didn’t tell me until opening exercises. But I got through it. We also sung a special musical number, the song was called "If the Savior Stood Beside Me." It was so nice, we sung it as the closing hymn also. Ha ha. But the reason I love Zone Conference so much is because I get to be with all these other great missionaries. And I get to feel of their spirit and build my testimony from it.
And District Meeting was fun. We had a training on the Importance of the Book of Mormon. We read it straight from Preach My Gospel. Then we watched the talk given by Jefferey R. Holland titled "Safety for the Soul." It is one of the best talks ever given on the Book of Mormon. I love it and would invite you to read and study it.
I read The Christmas Sweater. It's a book by Glenn Beck, I really liked it. If you have a chance, read it.
I finally got to go to the Portland Temple, we did a endowment session. It was raining, so we didn’t get that many pictures but I have some.
Oh and last but not least, I messed up my ankle. We have a lot of apartments in our area and I was walking down a flight when I tripped down them. There were a lot of shoes, so as I tried to dodge them, I also missed the step. So down I went. But it's on the mend, and I'll be more careful when walking down stairs.
Anyways I hope you have a great week.
Till we meet again.
Elder Butler
Transfered to Vancouver, WA
I'm in the Vancouver 3rd ward, serving in the Vancouver West Stake. I serve with Elder B, he came out with my last greenie, who is training now. Elder B is a basketball junky. He and I talk so much about it. He's from Linden Utah, and hopes to go back and play for UVU. We live with the Christensen family. He's a former mission president (Halfax Canada Mission) he also went back and served as a temple pres. But he's now the ward mission leader and has the ward really pushing for missionary work. We don't have a car, which bites because I have no good rain jacket. I'll probably go get one at Ross at the beginning of the month. The ward is awesome, we have great families, and they are all so willing to do missionary work. This is the 1st time I've seen the Focus 5 Family list at full work. It's awesome to have good support.
Being district leader rocks! I have one other companionship in mine. The weird thing is, that I'm the oldest in the group. One of the other two missionaries came out with Elder B, and the other is just 2 transfers older than him. I just had my first district meeting yesterday and it was fun. It really was just fun. I love teaching, and when I get to do it with the Spirit, it makes it so much easier.
Oh and for the more serious side of it this was a dialog we had with one of our investigators last Thursday. Her name is Michelle D, she has 2 daughters A and K. She met with missionaries in Alaska but nothing ever happened. But WE knocked her door my first week and this went down last Thursday. This was one of the most intense moments of my mission. It was just too good to be true.
Us: "Hey Michelle how are you guys?"
Michelle:" Hey we are doing okay... struggling a bit... How are you guys"
Michelle:"That is good. We are doing okay...struggling with some things"
Us:"What’s wrong?"
Michelle:"Oh everyday life and trials, can't catch up financially, so
I'm stressed, but I keep trying to stay positive"
Us:"That’s half the battle, how are the girls?"
Michelle:"Yes I know it's not easy, girls are doing okay. A is trying my patience this week"
Us:"Ha ha it'll happen. Plus, it'll make the quiet moments that much more enjoyable. Have you been able to read any of the Book of Mormon?"
Michelle:"yes a little not much as I would like to"
Us:"Anything stick out? How did you like it?
Michelle:"I like it... yes a few things about knowing this is real."
Michelle:"That video opened my eyes and answered questions I’ve had for a long time"
Us:" Great, have you prayed and asked God if these things are true?
Michelle:"Yes I did that night"
Michelle:"I knew they were true. It’s always something I knew, just willing to accept now and understand"
Us:"That’s great to hear, I know that the Book of Mormon is true, and that Joseph Smith was God's chosen prophet and that he has restored the fullness of His gospel back onto the earth. And I know that He loves us and wants us all to return back to Him. And we can do that by keeping His commandments."
Michelle:"Yes that is so true. I think I know why I was meant to be here and that was to help people. I am not sure how but I know that is my path and reason."
Us:"Michelle by knowing that these things are true will you follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone holding the Priesthood authority of God?"
Michelle:"Yes, we will talk more Saturday."
Ha ha! I love being on my mission. Take care guys.
Elder Butler
Update from 1-9-2012 thru 12-12-2011
Dear Family and Friends:
It was so great to speak to Taft (Elder Butler) via Skype on Christmas day. He is doing great. He’s happy and loving the mission experience, especially the people.
Here are some of his emails from Dec and Jan. I hope you enjoy them.
Hey so I'm shipping out. Just found out that I'm going to Vancouver 3rd ward(on the other side of the mission-about 2 hours from where he has been serving). I'm going to be greenie busting and district leader as well. I can't wait. (We also found out that he will be biking it again.)
On Sunday I got to confirm Andrew, the little boy we baptized last week. He would've gotten confirmed last week but they forgot about the time change because of the New Year. We went from 1pm to 9am. So they got caught off guard. But, they came yesterday, and i got to confirm him :) As i said the words"...receive the Holy Ghost." I felt this incredible rush of the Spirit. It was one of the most un-forgettable instances of my mission. As i pronounced the blessing, the Spirit would continue to remind me how important this boy was. He's had a lot of "hard" moments in his life. But, he has been such a great example of hope and optimism. I was grateful to have taken part in such a wonderful experience. I hope you guys all have a wonderful week. I love you and take care.
Till we meet again...
Elder Butler
On Sunday I got to confirm Andrew, the little boy we baptized last week. He would've gotten confirmed last week but they forgot about the time change because of the New Year. We went from 1pm to 9am. So they got caught off guard. But, they came yesterday, and i got to confirm him :) As i said the words"...receive the Holy Ghost." I felt this incredible rush of the Spirit. It was one of the most un-forgettable instances of my mission. As i pronounced the blessing, the Spirit would continue to remind me how important this boy was. He's had a lot of "hard" moments in his life. But, he has been such a great example of hope and optimism. I was grateful to have taken part in such a wonderful experience. I hope you guys all have a wonderful week. I love you and take care.
Till we meet again...
Elder Butler
Hey thanks for the money, and yes i did get the presents. Can't wait to open them. If there is a tie, can i wear it to the Christmas zone conference on Wednesday??? I know it'll be before but it's just one present. Anyways I'll be skyping @ 2:30 pm Christmas day. So i hope that can work, if not then we can try a different time. Sadly i didn't get presents for you or dad. But, i do have presents for the 3 kids. They're in the box i sent home. There's a white watch, a carnigan sweater, 3 CD's, and a camera. The watch and sweater are for Kimball, the CD's are for Alyssa, and the camera is for joseph. I was hoping you could wrap them for them and they could open them when we skype. I'd like to add that there is a sweater and also a nylon jacket. The jacket and everything else in the box stays mine. Those things are things i'd rather not have them have. There's a pair of headphones that i found in the appartment (probably from the last missionaries), a pair of nike shoes ( i had those given to me for my birthday by Pedro the kid i baptized), and the jacket i had before i left but Kimball doesn't need it. If you could wrap those things i would be very thankful. If not then we can just give them to them on Christmas. I love you mom thanks for all that you do. Take Care
Elder Butler
Elder Butler
Read this : Mark 9: 14-27
This last week has been full of fun and packed with great experiences. I want to talk about one specifically though. A little background information first though. About 2 months ago, when Elder La Rue and i were first put together. We were tracting, and one day as we turned a corner to go down a street we met a woman standing outside, with her 18 month old son, smoking. Just standing outside, talking with a one of her friends. We, being missionaries indulged ourselves and talked with her. As we talked with her , and i say only her because her friend walked right inside the house once we came around the corner :(. As we talked with her, we got to know a little bit about her. Her name was Tasha, she played football in High school, she has 14 siblings, etc. So we talked with her, gave her a book of Mormon, and went on her merry way. And till now we've been going over on and off teaching her about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. We also later found out that she was great friends with our ward mission leader, Rob Bready. And as we kept teaching her, she would come up with questions, then we'd answer them, and then she's go study more of it. Long story short, she texted us on Saturday and had some pretty heavy questions about faith. So we had a sit down with her at Bro Bready's house and taught her a little more about faith and how "faith without works is dead." She accepted, and figured she'd go and study a little more on the subject.
Then, yesterday in ward council, she texted us. She had told her dad about what she was doing with the missionaries and that she was going to church with the Mormons. Her dad had grown up in small town Idaho, and had a couple bad experiences with Mormons. So you can imagine how concerned her dad was when he found out that she was meeting with us. And yes He was mad, He flipped, and basically warned her that if she went to church with us, he would disown her. This was definitely not what we wanted. So we went to resolve the concern. We took with us the Young Men's president from the ward, Les Evans. He had had the same experience when he joined the church.
When we got to Tasha's house, she was already waiting for us. It was definitely inspired to bring Pres Evans. He bore strong testimony of what God's eternal plan was for all of us. And how much influence She will have on her family, if she follows what God tells her to do. Sadly he had to leave for a Priesthood meeting, but we stayed a little bit longer. And we continued to talk with her and help her through the situation. We all thought it was funny how she had had questions on faith, and how she could make it stronger. Then God in his miraculous timing throws up this road block in her way, resulting in her having to exercising the most faith she probably has ever had to use. I love God's Irony.
As we continued to help Tasha, i received the prompting to share the story listed up at the beginning of this email. As I rehearsed the experience, the Spirit came upon me very strongly. It's funny because it's doing the same thing right now, even as i write this email. You should have seen Tasha, it was obvious she was feeling the Spirit. Needless to say, she came to church. And wholly acting on faith. BTW, Her Dad to my knowledge still hasn't talked to her. The sacrament meeting talks were self molded for her. They were on Joseph Smith and the First Vision, and faith in Jesus Christ. She loved church. I'm grateful for Tasha's faith, and the desire she has to make her life better, even if this results in her parents leaving her. I hope i will have that same type of faith when God calls me to use it. I know that He loves all of us, and that
He does know best. I know as we have faith in God's commandments, and hearken unto the Holy Ghost, we will be blessed. I know this to be true because I have felt His love, and seen the blessings. I love you all.
Till We Meet Again...
Elder Butler
Then, yesterday in ward council, she texted us. She had told her dad about what she was doing with the missionaries and that she was going to church with the Mormons. Her dad had grown up in small town Idaho, and had a couple bad experiences with Mormons. So you can imagine how concerned her dad was when he found out that she was meeting with us. And yes He was mad, He flipped, and basically warned her that if she went to church with us, he would disown her. This was definitely not what we wanted. So we went to resolve the concern. We took with us the Young Men's president from the ward, Les Evans. He had had the same experience when he joined the church.
When we got to Tasha's house, she was already waiting for us. It was definitely inspired to bring Pres Evans. He bore strong testimony of what God's eternal plan was for all of us. And how much influence She will have on her family, if she follows what God tells her to do. Sadly he had to leave for a Priesthood meeting, but we stayed a little bit longer. And we continued to talk with her and help her through the situation. We all thought it was funny how she had had questions on faith, and how she could make it stronger. Then God in his miraculous timing throws up this road block in her way, resulting in her having to exercising the most faith she probably has ever had to use. I love God's Irony.
As we continued to help Tasha, i received the prompting to share the story listed up at the beginning of this email. As I rehearsed the experience, the Spirit came upon me very strongly. It's funny because it's doing the same thing right now, even as i write this email. You should have seen Tasha, it was obvious she was feeling the Spirit. Needless to say, she came to church. And wholly acting on faith. BTW, Her Dad to my knowledge still hasn't talked to her. The sacrament meeting talks were self molded for her. They were on Joseph Smith and the First Vision, and faith in Jesus Christ. She loved church. I'm grateful for Tasha's faith, and the desire she has to make her life better, even if this results in her parents leaving her. I hope i will have that same type of faith when God calls me to use it. I know that He loves all of us, and that
He does know best. I know as we have faith in God's commandments, and hearken unto the Holy Ghost, we will be blessed. I know this to be true because I have felt His love, and seen the blessings. I love you all.
Till We Meet Again...
Elder Butler
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